
Contact information: my email is "full name at gatech point edu"

My Georgia Tech website: https://sites.gatech.edu/sean/

I am currently funded by the RTG fellowship for geometry and topology.

Previously I was a TA for MATH 4378 Advanced Linear Algebra II, STAT 315: Probability and Statistics for Data Science, STAT 532 foundations of statistical inference, STAT 648 graphical models and networks, and STAT 305 intro to statistics for biosciences.

Conferences/Workshops attended:

-Georgia Tech geometry and topology seminars (Fall 2022, Spring 2023)

-Georgia Topology Conference: May 2023

-Trisectors workshop at UC Davis

-Princeton summer school in geometry and topology

-Gauge Theory and Topology: in Celebration of Peter Kronheimer's 60th Birthday

-Tech Topology 2023

Graduate student geometry and topology conference 2024: MSU


SLMath summer school on the h principle

Talks given:

-The belt trick and spin groups (Gatech student topology and geometry seminar)

- knotted 2 spheres